| Tropical Strom & Heavy Weather Navigation


Tropical Strom & Heavy Weather Navigation

A new tailor-made course “Tropical Storm and Heavy Weather Navigation” was successfully launched on the KMSTC online platform.

🔸The instructor-led training was delivered by captain Dmytro Makarchuk.

The instructor used modern techniques on learning management system Moodle Workplace.

🔹A complex of different blended learning solutions made knowledge gaining process easy and successful.

🔸The 3-day course consists of two modules: 1 – General Aspects of Tropical Storms and Navigational Measures necessary to avoid Tropical Storms; and 2 – Maneuver and Handle the Ship in Heavy Weather and Sea Conditions. Roll Resonances, Route Optimization & Weather Routing Services.

🔹During the course participants studied and applied correctly anti-collision plot and 1-2-3 Mariner’s rules to avoid Tropical Storms.

🔸A final workshop on avoidance of roll resonance was completed successfully by all learners.

🔹The gained knowledge will help them in future to apply correctly required control measures to avoid tropical storms or severe weather conditions, maintaining safe ship handling principles even during the navigation in adverse weather conditions.

🔸All course participants left positive feedbacks.

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