Safe Mooring Operation Course

+380 50 672 7685 Courses Calendar

General Information

Course` Scope:

The mooring operation course consists of a theoretical part and moorings practice pursuant to STCW Code.

The main aim of the course is to give knowledge and skills to perform safe offshore mooring. During the training the students will:

  1. Know mooring stations and equipment;
  2. Know general mooring terminology;
  3. Find out how to inspect and maintain mooring equipment;
  4. Know how to assess the risks and hazards during mooring;
  5. Study the mistakes that lead to mooring accidents;
  6. Study communication issues and common hand signals and their practical usage, communication with Bridge;
  7. Study the main principles of planning of the correct and safe mooring operation as well as anchorage operations;
  8. Know the principles of working with firewire and tug wire;
  9. Find out the standards for wire ropes;
  10. Know how to perform a mooring operation in a safe manner;
  11. Explore how practically operate the mooring lines;
  12. How to recognize snap back zones;
  13. Study the principles of mooring and anchor winches work, and work with mooring winch with and without load.
  14. Know how to stop and belay wire rope, stopper types.

Core audience:

The offshore mooring is one of the most complex onboard operations. Study of safe mooring practices will help to eliminate the number of accidents. That is why the course is good for all staff.

Banned substances policy:

Caution: sale of alcohol products is forbidden on the territory of KMSTC. If the Academy Administration finds out any person who tool alcohol or drugs, the Administration reserves the right to force such a person to leave KMSTC. Provided that the employer and/or company paid for courses, the administration will inform it about the incident.

Specific issues

How to book a hotel if I do not know the language?

Our course officers will be glad to help you to book a hotel in the city of Kherson if needed. Please note that the hotel price is not included in the course fee.

What documents I have to bring?

It is important to take a state document with a photograph. Please do not forget to take a document. We need it for identification purposes.

What if I have special requirements?

If you have any physical, religious or nutrition needs, do not hesitate to tell us. We will put all our efforts to provide you with all the necessary.

This information is subject to non-disclosure. Be sure to send us an email letter or give us a phone call before the course starts.

How the assessment process goes?

As well as the course itself, the assessment contains theoretical and practical part. During the theoretical part, a trainee has to show its knowledge via oral and/or written questioning. During the practical part, a trainee has to show its received skills under the supervision of the facilitator.

What if I disagree with the assessment results?

In case if a trainee disagrees with the exam administrator decision, it has a right to start the appeal process. Please contact the administrator in writing to give the process a start.

In case if a trainee experienced any unpleasant behavior from any KMSTC stuff, please contact the administration. It is advised to describe the situation occurred in writing and send this document to the administration.

Can I have my paid fees back if I cannot be present on the course?

In case if a trainee who paid for the course in advance is not able to attend it for any reason possible, it shall have a right to receive a refund. This rule shall be applied if the withdrawal request was made five days prior course start.

Will I receive a certification upon course` completion?

Yes, all the trainees successfully completed the course will receive a certificate issued by KMSTC.


COURSE PRICE: Contact to administrator

+380667920095 / +380667920095

Cancellations and refunds:

Cancellation less than in 5 working days prior to the course start without a reasonable reason (providing the relevant documents: a health certificate) is subject to 100% payment of the course and accommodations fees.

Cancellation in more than 5 working days prior to the course start is free of charge.

In case of inability of completing the course in full amount, the payment will be kept in proportion to the content of the passed material.

Internal Сertificate.