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Course Name:

ecdis course


What is ECDIS?

ECDIS stands for Electronic Chart Display and Information System is a digital navigation system that follows the IMO regulations. It consists of electronic navigation charts (ENC) and has information from the Global Positioning System, radars, etc. The static paper charts tend to become outdated, while ECDIS updates in real-time. It meets standards and regulations set up by the International Maritime Organization for safe and efficient marine navigation. That is why this one can completely replace paper navigation charts.

It designed to meet the STCW requirements in terms of ECDIS. One of its most robust features is that it can also generate alarms, for example, in case of off route. It delivers continuous positional and navigational safety information. Plus, it generates signals when the vessel is in proximity to hazards.

Legal side

It is a legal requirement for on watch personnel to be competent in ECDIS to ensure a safe voyage. Moreover, the installation of ECDIS is obligatory, and failure may cause fines or even detention. Once it installed, the bridge officers must take the training. Failure to have specific training may cause even such problems as ship detention as it happened in Brisbane.

Generic ECDIS Training

Generic training is intended for all navigational watch officers and masters who have to be competent in the use of onboard equipment before taking in charge of a navigational watch. The training is designed for officers of navigational responsibilities and is based on IMO 1.27. We aim to give students solid knowledge and huge practice before they start working in real conditions. Upon course completion, the participants will:

  1. understand the navigational roles of ECDIS and characteristics of all ECDIS systems;
  2. study legal and theoretical framework to the use of ECDIS to the extent needed to navigate ships where the essential navigation tool is ECDIS.
  3. know how to select and assess relevant information;
  4. study how to develop a route plan and know how to monitor route plan and analyze real-time vessel positioning;
  5. work confidently with electronic charts;
  6. correctly start-up safety parameters;
  7. know how to operate and interpret information received from ECDIS;
  8. study independent backup arrangements in case of ECDIS failure. Yes, even ECDIS cannot be called 100% failure-free. IMO performance standards require both ECDIS and separate backup arrangements;
  9. be able to explain the minimum backup system and interface requirements, as well as limitations;
  10. know how ECDIS works with other onboard equipment to maintain ship safety.

The navigators learn to use ECDIS and demonstrates that they understand how it works simulator-based training and during evaluation.

Familiarization Training

Familiarization training is a training for the study of any ECDIS, including backup, to ensure competency with any specific ECDIS installed onboard. The navigating officers have to study ECDIS of particular make and model mounted on a ship. The familiarization training is taken, once the generic one has been passed successfully.

ECDIS Course Overview

The course is both theoretical and practical, where practice scenarios play an even more important role ever. The student will have practice in a simulated room to develop and practice responses to emergencies.

The initial course will take five full days, while the refresher course will last for three days. Students have to attend the whole lessons to be allowed to pass an exam and receive a certificate.

The schedule is the following – each lesson will start strictly at 09:00 am; it highly advised to come 10 minutes earlier. Students will have two coffee breaks.

The ECDIS training center is located in KMSTC, at the following address: 20, Ushakova avenue, city of Kherson, Ukraine. It is a building of Kherson State Maritime Academy, where the participants will be registered for the training. The Academy has strict rules that have to be observed by all participants of STCW ECDIS Training. For example, it is not allowed to drink alcohol at the territory of the Academy. If the administration notices a participant who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, then such a participant will be forced to leave the Academy`s territory. Moreover, the administration will notify a natural person or entity that paid for the participant`s training.

For identification purposes, each trainee has to bring a state document to identify his/her.

To receive a certificate, all participants have to be assessed through oral and/or written examination, as well they need to demonstrate their knowledge during practice.

In case if a student disagrees with assessment results, then a student has a right to start an appeal procedure. For this, a student has to address a written letter to the Academy`s administration for further consideration.

The training` price is 1900 in Ukrainian currency. A trainee has a refund right without any fees in case of cancellation five days before the course start.

Approved by Ukraine Administration.

ecdis training

stcw ecdis