Course Name:
High Voltage Training (Operational level)
The course aims to upgrade the knowledge and skills of engine personnel regarding safe operation, testing and maintenance of high voltage electrical systems onboard ships. The course will provide both theoretical and practical elements in safe training environment involving the use of modern simulator of “Schneider Electric”.
The course covers at least the following topics:
- Hazards associated with HV systems and immediate actions to be taken under fault conditions;
- The functional, operational and safety requirements for a marine HV system;
- High Voltage safety rules;
- Safe working procedures;
- Work permits;
- High Voltage equipment and protective devices on board;
- Earthing and discharging;
- Standards for working with HV (IEC standards, local standards / UK, USA, Norwegian / and recommended practices);
- Practical exercises and assessment.
Course overview:
This course is in line with the requirements as laid down by the regulations III/1, III/2, III/6 of the STCW Code (Manila amendments 2010), Tables A-III/1, A-III/6 (Operational level) and section B-III/2. This course is aimed at Engineer Officers and Electro-Technical Officers who are expected to supervise and/or implement the on board high voltage switching operations as an Authorized Person.
Entry Standards:
Engineer Officers, Electro-Technical Officers
Special Requirements:
Please inform us if you have any special requirements for your training with us here at KMSTC, for example (physical, religious) we will assist where necessary.
You may do so by contacting KMSTC by email, phone or calling in prior to training, your requests will be treated in confidence.
Participants will demonstrate/explain/identify their level of knowledge, skills and understanding through oral and/or written questioning and practical activities by our qualified facilitators.
Complaints and Appeals:
All trainees who find themselves deemed ”Not Yet Competent” have the right to appeal that decision. All appeals shall be directed, in writing, to the Administrator who will support your appeal process. Where participants believe that they have been treated unfairly, unruly or unjust by any member of staff whilst attending a KMSTC run course, or whilst having contact with KMSTC, they should out their concerns in writing with assistance from the administrator.
COURSE PRICE: Contact to administrator
+380667920095 / +380667920095
Cancellations and refunds:
Cancellation less than in 5 working days prior to the course start without a reasonable reason (providing the relevant documents: a health certificate) is subject to 100% payment of the course and accommodations fees.
Cancellation in more than 5 working days prior to the course start is free of charge.
In case of inability of completing the course in full amount, the payment will be kept in proportion to the content of the passed material.
Internal Сertificate.
Download – High Voltage OL booklet